Spotlight on our 2019 Scholarship Winner: Emma Cotter


The Young Woman Voluntarism Scholarship was awarded to Ms. Emma Cotter. Emma has attended the Bryn Mawr School and for the past four years, she has been sharing her knowledge and love of learning with the students at Lillie May Carroll Jackson Charter School (located in the Govans community) through an after-school tutoring program sponsored by Bryn Mawr.

After realizing that science instruction did not begin until the 7th grade due to budget constraints, Emma approached the faculty at Lillie May about the possibility of developing and running her own after school science program and they were very supportive. She put together a proposal and submitted to her school and gained approval. She began her after-school science program at the beginning of her senior year and it was a success. She had 12 students from 5th and 6th grade who participated in activities that were both educational and fun while introducing them to the world of science. From that experience, Emma learned that no matter who you are, you have a gift to give and that everyone has a part to play in the betterment of their community. She was awarded the Broadus Community Service Project award – it is an annual award given to a Bryn Mawr student who has shown a passion for community service in Baltimore.

Emma will be attending the University of Maryland in the fall and will be majoring in biological sciences.  We wish her well in her future endeavors and thank her for her work bettering the community of Baltimore.

To make a gift to the Scholarship Fund, visit and click “Donate”.